Burnham Covid Vaccination Clinic

Burnham Health Centre was a Covid vaccination centre from March 2021 until January 2022, when the demand suddenly fell away, as it did across the country.

Patients came mainly from across the south of Buckinghamshire. Vaccinators came from every GP local surgery, hospital and St John’s organisation. Admin staff and volunteers put in endless hours to keep the centre running, through snow and hail, gales and heat waves. Over 80 people on the medical side of the clinics and 150 non medical volunteers were involved offering vaccinations 7 days a week at the peak demand, whilst running a normal GP surgery in the same building. Every space was utilised to provide patient privacy and recovery areas, extra reception areas and maintain a one way flow. 1700 jabs were given on the busiest day, with 17 vaccinators.

Some of the volunteer team helped early on while on furlough; others joined later as the rollout was accelerated. We have had teenagers and octogenarians, and everything in between, doing want they can to put patients at easy.

As Dr Clarke said at the end “It has been a pleasure working with you all – we have made so many new friends and it has certainly got us through the pandemic. It is wonderful to have been a part of something that has really made a difference!”

The Head of Delivery and Development for the Primary Care Networks in Bucks said of Burnham “You have been a shining light in the vaccination programme – piloting Moderna, NBS and definitely up for ensuring that all who turn up at the vaccination site are sympathetically received and ultimately vaccinated.”